NOTE: please do not misunderstand me from my prev post. i DO NOT like charles. not in that sense at least.
crap comments! mymy assumptions ARE dangerous. RE: bowling.
mondays are horrible. three periods with _____! THREE!!
on a lighter note, ive finally wrapped my angel's present! it's pink and...squishy! hehh.
i <3 choccy! yum.
i <3 gc -- i just wanna live! and predictable! the best part of the songs is the strings at the beginning. songs with strings just go BOOM. and get stuck inside my head.
actually i <3 the whole album. cept the intro. the intro is freaky. it has ghostly voices.
i can't believe it. we're still at gym for PE! iwannadofieldorsomething! headstands make me dizzy -_- everybody's faces are like OOF! when they get down. cartwheels are no fun either, they're just dead boring. so are rolls. i hate rolls.
btw hullet rules. blackout!
yknow, friends at my age are already having bfs! how romantic. <3
yeah i know that was really sarcastic.
oh you mean you didn't know?! crap you heard.
Leen tried to force a smile @... 6:09 PM
27 jan
--- c0pyyrighttedd ; [x]
xin xin you yi©